Scipreneur | Storyteller | Strategist


An Entrepreneur with the Heart of a Scientist and Soul of a Writer

My Story

I have always been fascinated by science and writing. So, after graduate degrees in biomedical sciences and several years of scientific research, a career in science communications seemed like an obvious choice. That is how I began my journey as a scientific writer. I lead highly collaborative, geographically dispersed teams in scientific communications with a focus on healthcare and medical research. Working with a number of talented scientific communicators, healthcare strategists, and marketing specialists, I empower my clients to develop strategies and execute tactics that align with their objectives.

Being passionate about science education and outreach, in 2016, I founded Sciencera, a collaborative of like-minded science enthusiasts, with the vision of making science more accessible to everyone.

Bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, I have channeled by web developing and digital strategizing skills into multiple ventures that share the goal of bolstering community and helping local businesses. (Perhaps it was written in the stars that the son of an educator and a marketer from a beach town would follow in both their footsteps, albeit halfway across the world, while carving his own path).

When I am not poring over research articles or brainstorming the next big idea, I love taking long walks with my dog, Padfoot, and playing soccer and chess.