Scipreneur | Storyteller | Strategist

A Heart Full of Hope: My Little Love’s Story

As roses, chocolates, and decadent gifts make their way to loved ones this Valentine’s Day and love fills the air, my heart is overflowing with gratitude as it beats with a deeper appreciation for the resilience of the human spirit. For my family and millions more like ours, today is also Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) Awareness Day. CHD is the most common birth defect, affecting 1 in 100 babies born each year. CHD Awareness Day (and CHD Awareness Week in the United States observed February 7 – 14) aim to raise awareness and educate people about the impact of CHD on those affected and their families, as well as to promote research, advocacy, and support for those affected by CHD.

I am typing this sitting next to my three-month-old son, who is sleeping peacefully. It would be hard to tell by looking at him that it has just been a week since his open heart surgery. He was born with a heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot that affects the normal flow of blood through the heart and body, which can cause a range of complications, including low oxygen levels, fatigue, and congestive heart failure. Surgery to repair the heart defects and restore normal blood flow is the only treatment.

On the day of my son’s surgery, someone told me and my wife that it would be the longest day of our lives and they were right. Handing over my baby to the nurse taking him to the operating room was the hardest moment of my life. You want to stretch that moment forever because you don’t want to let go, very well knowing you must. Then there was the agonizing wait for any updates as to how the surgery is going. But nothing compares to the feeling when the surgeon tells you that it went well and he has made it.

His surgical incision will heal with time and hopefully so will our memories of all the bad parts of this trying chapter in our lives. The scar on his chest will remain as a testament to the indomitable spirit of our little fighter and his resilience – it will also serve a reminder of the love and hope that carried us through this experience and inspire us to cherish every moment.

The past few months have been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least, but with the surgery now behind us, I am finally able to start reflecting on the journey that has brought us to this moment and picturing the road ahead.

In the face of this trying experience, our family found strength in gratitude. I am thankful for the love and support of our friends and family, my colleagues at Lockwood, and the many others who kept us in their thoughts and reached out with love and encouragement. These acts of kindness have been a source of comfort and strength, reminding us that we are not alone in this journey. We are also incredibly grateful for the amazing medical professionals at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta who worked tirelessly to ensure that my son received the best care possible. Their expertise, compassion, and unwavering dedication to those who come through their doors is truly inspiring.

As I hold my little love a little closer, my heart is brimming with a boundless hope that is slowly washing over the moments of worry and fear that consumed us in the past few months. While we don’t know what tomorrow brings, I know that we will face it together with love, hope, and a newfound appreciation for life. This time, I am never letting go.

It had been raining the last couple of days, but the sun peeked out today as if the skies had never been overcast. We are home.

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